
When I die.

I got asked the question, "If you could pick how you would die, how would you die?"
I replied with the generic answer, "Sleeping." But then I thought about it. I would like to change my answer if that's alright. I would like to die laughing. Yup. That's how I wanna go.


lynette said...

good change.

Anonymous said...

me 2.

Anonymous said...

Ive got an even better anwser... How about you never die, I steal you away, we run to jamaica, and grow old together, you write books and I make straw hats and we just sip pina coladas in our hammocks! Ok, so maybe Ive been working on my papers to long, can a girl have a dream?!?! But anywho, lets not think of you dieing Delyann, if you died I would be forced to kill myself, and we all know how that goes. Your my little ray of sunshine missy, you and your blue coat. Ok, Ive written enough, love you. AMEN.

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Unknown said...

Why die? I don't want to die. Hopefully I'll be one of the few that won't experience death. But if I HAVE to die, I rather die before you... I don't want to see you die. :0(